your growth

Here's how it works...

Proper, holistic Financial Planning is the creation of a thorough, step-by-step plan that takes you from where you are now to where you want to be. Many of the clients we work with often have no idea what they want their life to look like; they’ve been far too busy keeping their head down, spinning the plates of life! Of course, the plan never really fully forms into an actual physical thing, it’s fully organic – it grows and changes over time in line with your aspirations and desires!

At Stem, our focus isn’t the number of pensions you have, how well your self-selected investments have performed, or even how much money you’ve got in your ‘Platinum’  bank account!  Whilst all of this is important, we’re far more interested in you!  We want to get to know you, find out what makes you tick and figure out what REALLY matters to you.  It’s only when we have an idea of this that we can use the pensions, investments and cash to build a plan to achieve your life’s goals and ambitions.


Test the ground...

A quick call will help us establish if and how we can work together. You can do this here.


This is where we do the groundwork.  We’ll talk about your values, ambitions and desired future lifestyle.  We’ll also chat through any concerns you may have and gather all the necessary information from you including your assets, liabilities, income and expenditure. By the end of this session we’ll be able to show you how things currently stack up using our Cashflow Modelling Software.


Your plan starts to take shape.  Here, we’ll present our research and analysis along with our proposed recommendations.  With the aid of cutting edge technology, we’ll be able to show you visually the value and benefits of proper Financial Planning and the positive impact this has on your future.


Now that everything is working together nicely, we’ll catch up regularly to tweak things where necessary and keep things on track – freeing you up to finally do those things you always wanted.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

- Benjamin Franklin